(1.1) The present Regulation includes the rules that regulate the organisation at FIL of Fairs and Industry Expositions, as well as other events separately presented and under their own name.
Should any unforeseen event or so called “act of God” outside the responsibility or competence of the AIP – FCE prevent an event from being held, delay its opening or force changes to be made in its Regulation, there will not be grounds for demanding an indemnity or the refund of amounts already paid.
(1.2) This regulation is complemented, for each event, by its respective specific “Participation Rules” which are by nature special as regards FIL’s general regulation.
(1.3) The scope, the dates, the duration and the timetable of fairs, of specialised exhibitions and other events, are subject to definition in document to be drawn up by the FIL.
(2.1) In events of the FIL, only manufacturers or producers and also their representatives, agents and/or general distributors are allowed to participate.
(2.2) Collective participations or groups of exhibitors are allowed, regardless of their nature as long as the names of respective manufacturers or producers of the displayed goods are mentioned.
(2.3) Collective official participations organised by Countries, Chambers of Commerce, or other representing entities in accordance with the event’s objectives are also allowed, and must comply with articles 2.1. and 2.2.
(2.4) Should any complaint be presented, by any exhibitor or by a third party, concerning facts done by a participant, and should FIL ascertain that these facts constitute violation of the present Regulation, sanctions will be applied by FIL, which may include closing the stand. Should the actions carried out by the exhibitor give rise to a legal, administrative, or any type of suit, and the exhibitor be condemned regarding the same suit, FIL will carry out whatever is determined by the proper entity, as the case may be.
These complaints must be presented within 24 hours maximum after the fact that originated them.
The exhibitor, to whom a sanction is applied by FIL, due to failure to comply with the present regulation, will not be entitled to any indemnity.
(2.5) The exhibitor may not cede, under any circumstance, the right to occupy the stand, to promote or allow the promotion of articles or activities that do not comply with Article 2.1., except given explicit written authorization by FIL.
(2.6) Failure to comply with Articles 2.4. and 2.5., as with any of the duties considered in the present regulation, may lead to the participation being cancelled and involve sanctions that may include closing the stand.
(3.1) Applications for registration should be formalized through the registration Bulletins/forms that the IDF distributes. Your complete and correct is formality required for participation in the competition (or demonstration that concerns) and can only be exposed articles or promoted the activity designated in its application.
(3.2) Registration requests will be received until the date set by FIL, with the possibility that registrations may not be accepted hereafter.
(3.3) From the moment of registration, exhibitors (in their own name and on behalf of the company or companies they represent) are committed for all matters and purposes to fully comply with all the rules stated in this Regulation.
Registration will only be considered valid and subsequently, participation confirmed when the exhibitor receives written notice from the International Fair of Lisbon.
The location of the various participations is solely determined by FIL, thus during the allocation of space, the following factors are taken into consideration:
- Arrangement by activity sectors
- Number of modules or area requested
- Date of reception and registration of participation form by FIL’s services
- Seniority of exhibitor
- Considerations of economic or technical nature
- Harmony among the various contracted spaces
(3.4) Should the location of a given participation be made by direct acceptance, this will be done according to conditions determined in its own regulation, to be drafted by FIL, in which case what is established in the preceding article will not be applicable.
(3.5) When determining location, FIL has the right to prorate available space among exhibitors.
(3.6) The location allocated to the exhibitor in a certain exhibition or other event does not imply any commitment on the part of FIL to always allocate the same space in any subsequent exhibition or event.
(4.1) The fees in force for the Industry Exhibitions or other events are those found in their respective price lists.
(4.2) A stand that involves the use of a second story incurs an additional participation cost, calculated on the basis of 50% of net area, according to the unit fee applicable to the respective space.
(4.3) With the delivery of the Application Form, the exhibitor must liquidate 25% of the estimated foreseen area cost, 25% of the registration tax and 25% of the removal of wastes. The remaining 75%, or unexpended balance, will have to be paid until the deadline indicated in FIL’s written communication addressed to the exhibitor confirming the participation.
(4.4) Costs concerning Standard Stand and other Technical Services requested (power, telephone and fax, water and sewage, etc.) will be subject to an initial payment of 50% of their amount, the remaining to be paid before the exhibition begins. Certain expenses (i.e. telephone calls) can be presented to the exhibitor for payment after the exhibition is over.
(4.5) Payment of the registration fee will grant each exhibitor a free parking space in FIL’s parking lot during the period of assembly and disassembly, as well as for the duration of the exhibition.
(4.6) Payment of charges concerning special stands is subject to particular rules, which will be a part of their estimate.
(4.7) Should the payment notices issued by FIL give rise to any complaint, the exhibitor must file the complaint within five work days from the date of reception of the notices.
(4.8) Should exhibitors cancel their registration and regardless if the space is subsequently occupied or not, the following must paid:
- An amount equivalent to the initial payment mentioned in Article 4.3., whenever cancellation occurs up to 30 calendar days before the beginning of the setting-up period of the exhibition (or other event).
- The total amount indicated for their participation, if cancellation occurs after that date.
(5.1) The presentation and distribution of products prejudicial to other exhibitors or visitors, that deteriorate the pavement and /or existing constructions is strictly forbidden.
(5.2) Exhibited products cannot be withdrawn during the time of the exhibition, save in exceptional cases, which must always have explicit written authorization from FIL.
(5.3) Exhibitors may accept orders or make contracts concerning their production, but direct sales to the public with immediate delivery of exhibited products is forbidden. Only with explicit written authorisation from FIL can this norm be altered.
(5.4) Special authorisation from FIL is required for products whose weight exceeds 2.000kg/sqm (if goods are to be displayed on the ground floor of the pavilions), or over 200kg/sqm (should they be intended for the first storey of a stand).
(6.1) Setting-up and decoration of stands can only take place with the presentation of the setting-up credential and the setting-up entry cards obtained in the Cashier’s Office and the Exhibitors’ Assistance.
(6.2) All Companies involved in setting-up and decoration of the stands are required to have a previous credential, which implies the presentation of an insurance policy for civil and professional liability, covering damage caused in the premises or to a third party and possible damage due to stoppage of FIL’s activities, in the amount of 1 000 000€.
(6.3) Should there be a breach of regulation concerning setting-up and decoration of the stands and/or a breach of technical nature, FIL considers itself authorised to carry out the necessary procedures to correct it, which may involve closing the stand. The costs resulting from this corrective action will be charged to the exhibitor.
(6.4) FIL reserves the right to place general indication panels or any elements that may improve the exhibition wherever it pleases. The exhibitors cannot remove or cover these indicators.
(6.5) The setting-up and decoration of the stands must be completed by the date indicated by FIL before the beginning of the exhibition. If this norm is not complied with, the stand will not open.
(6.6) FIL will determine the opening and closing times for setting-up and dismantling periods. Work beyond these established times requires explicit written authorisation from FIL, and involves payment of an overtime fee. The times and cost of the above mentioned fee will be mentioned in the Exhibitor’s Folder sent to the exhibitors.
(6.7) FIL bears no responsibility in regards to the construction of stands and premises that are made directly by exhibitors.
(6.8) Inside the pavilions it is strictly forbidden to load and unload material for the assembly of stands and displays in the longitudinal and cross-section corridors of the pavilions located in the alignment of the outer gates, so as not to obstruct the circulation of forklifts, hydraulic lifts, wheelbarrows and other equipment. Access in the terms mentioned will be allowed when this is proved to be the only means of access to the stand.
(7.1) The basic characteristics of space used are: a typical modulation of 9sqm (3.00 x 3.00 m). Each stand may occupy a module or multiples thereof. Other modalities of participation are possible, according to special conditions to be agreed upon.
Spaces to be allocated possess neither a platform nor partitions.
(7.2) During setting-up and decoration of their stands, exhibitors must comply with the following rules:
- Stands cannot exceed a height of 3 meters.
- All stands that rise from ground level will have to have a ramp for visitors using wheelchairs.
- Higher requests should be subject to an assessment by the technical area with a 20-day minimal notice prior the date set for the beginning of the setting/up, and must enclose the plots, sketches and notes duly scaled.
- Assembly of stands that include the construction or a second floor must have explicit authorization from FIL.
- The usable area of the second floor as well as the decorative elements that measure over 3 m in height must stand back from the perimeter of the stand at least 1.5 m.
- Electric installation in the stands is the responsibility of each exhibitor, and must abide by the “General Safety Regulation of Low-Voltage Electric Installations”. It must possess general break switches of the differential type and a safety ground network. This work must be done by a professional duly accredited by the DGE (Direcção Geral de Energia General Energy Entity), or by the electricians Syndicate.
- FIL’s installations must be scrupulously respected, namely fire hydrants, extinguishers, loudspeakers, general indicators, television circuits, and fire detectors.
(7.3) In our fairground only fire resistant carpet, reference M3, can be utilized.
(7.4) he on-site building of stands in the whole area of exhibition of FIL is strictly forbidden, as well as the use of cutting machines, welding machines, sanders and spray guns. Stands must be devised and prepared so that their construction can be obtained solely by assembling the elements that constitute them.
(7.5) Available electrical power to be used is 230/400 Volts 50 cycles.
(7.6) All electrical installations will be subject to inspection by FIL’s services since any connections to the main system can only be made by them. FIL will not be held responsible for connecting any apparatus to the main system that does not correspond to the information provided, and the exhibitors must name the person responsible for the stand’s electric installation project.
Damage caused to the main system or to the specific point by these connections is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor.
(7.7) Costs with water consumption, electricity for lighting, conversation unit and telephone are those mentioned in their respective price lists.
(7.8) Requests for water and sewage connections, as well as electricity and telecommunications must be mentioned in the Registration forms. It is crucial that the voltage of the power to be installed in the stands also be inscribed in the abovementioned forms. It may be impossible to accept subsequent requests. Requests for special lines or circuits must be processed through FIL in the Registration Form. If they are not mentioned in the Registration Form they must be requested at least 20 calendar days prior to the beginning date set for setting-up.
All special circuits or lines are subject to estimates.
Whenever a third party does all the above-mentioned work, they must be supervised by FIL’s services.
(7.9) FIL is responsible for the overall maintenance of the exhibition area and aisles.
(7.10) Stand cleaning / maintenance is the responsible of the exhibitor, whether it be requesting the services of FIL, or by other mean, in which case the entrance to the premises will require a previous authorized credential.
This service can only be carried out (maximum) 1 hour to the opening of the exhibition.
(7.11) Disassembly of the stands and removal of material cannot begin before the time officially set for closing the exhibition, except for special authorisation granted by FIL for this purpose.
(7.12) Disassembly of stands and removal of the exhibited material must be concluded within the times set by FIL’s services. Failure to comply with this deadline authorises FIL to remove the material and do with it as it sees fit, in which case FIL cannot be held accountable for possible damage caused. This also implies that all costs resulting from the measures taken to remove these materials will be charged to the Exhibitor.
(7.13) In order to remove any material from the stands, exhibitors must obtain an authorized exit note, carefully filled out and stamped by the Cashier’s Office as proof that payment was made pertaining to any all amounts due concerning their participation in the exhibition.
In the case exhibitors do not comply with the agreement made to AIP – FCE/FIL concerning payment of assumed debts to this organization; AIP – FCE/FIL reserves the right to withhold the Exhibitor’s materials and displayed products during the fair which shall only be returned up on the complete payment of all debts owed.
All expenses incurred on account of this right of withholding, including removal and storage of goods will be charged to the exhibitor before goods may be removed, whereas FIL is not liable for any possible damages caused during their transportation and storage.
(7.14) The premises must be handed over to FIL in the same condition as they were made available to the exhibitors, and all costs required making them so are the responsibility of exhibitors. Repair of occasional damage caused by carelessness or requirements of stand assembly, as well as costs derived from such assembly, are the sole responsibility of exhibitors.
(7.15) Exhibitors are responsible for all the damage or harm caused by their structures, equipment, displayed articles or activities in their stand, as well as any actions of the subcontracted firms, that may bring harmto visitors and other exhibitors.
(7.16) Any suspension of the structure of the pavilions needs FIL authorization and can only be carried out by dealers of FIL being subject to then-current rates. Requests must be made 20 (calendar) days prior to the date set for the opening of the exhibition, and must enclose the suspension project and the weight to be suspended, so that its feasibility can be verified by FIL’s technical department.
(7.17) Using the walls of the pavilions to suspend or hang any exhibited pieces, decorative or construction items, is strictly forbidden except with explicit authorisation from FIL.
(8.1) With respect to all matters concerning customs operations and transport of products, exhibitors can contact FIL’s official forwarding.
(8.2) The terms under which the services mentioned in the previous article will be rendered are part of a specific regulation, where several indications regarding customs formalities will also be referred.
(9.1) Entrance and circulation in FIL’s premises is allowed solely by the visible use of an access card issued by the Exhibitor’s Assistance, stating the number of the stand of the exhibitor in charge of its use and stating the user’s name.
ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY CARDS: in the Registration form, exhibitorsmust request enough cards for the staff in charge of assembling and disassembling their stands.Whenever users are in FIL’s premises, they are obliged to wear this card visibly.
FREE ACCESS FOR THE EXHIBITOR: these are meant personnel who are present in the stands during the exhibition. Exhibitors are entitled to request a number of cards proportional to the area they occupy:
- 6 free access cards up to 3 modules (27 sqm).
- For each additional module (9 sqm), the exhibitor is entitled to one more access card.
(9.2) Any additional passes, other than the specific number the exhibitor is entitled to according to the occupied area, must be requested of the Organization and incur payment equivalent to the price of a ticket of a professional visitor. These cards are nominal and non-transferable, under penalty of confiscation, so that their visible use is obligatory whenever staff enters the exhibition’s premises.
(9.3) INVITATION TICKETS: Exhibitors who wish to invite clients to visit their stand may use Invitation Tickets issued for this purpose, which must be requested in the Registration form.
(9.4) Visitors’ access:
In exhibitions and other events open to the general public, during opening hours, accreditation of professional trade visitors will not take place. Access will be granted solely to bearers of Invitation Forms given by the exhibitors, or by tickets obtained at a Ticket Office.
In exhibitions and other events open to the general public but with specific hours for professional trade visitors, their accreditation is carried out solely during this period and is determined by the presentation of an invitation form or by means of the payment of the price of a professional trade visitor’s ticket.
In exhibitions for professional visitors only and other such events, access will be granted exclusively to professional trade visitors duly identified with either a professional trade visitor invitation or by means of the purchase of a professional trade visitor ticket. Members of press, after being accredited, and anyone bearing inaugural invitations or specific VIP badges previously issued by FIL have access to all exhibitions, and may visit them at any given time within the specific hours each event takes place.
(10.1) FIL ensures general surveillance services during the assembly and disassembly, as well as the duration of the exhibitions and other events. Exhibitors must ensure safe keeping of their products in the times stated above, and possess a specific insurance policy made up specifically for their participation in the exhibition, which should cover all situations of robbery and theft. Exhibitors are forbidden to allow their staff to remain in the stand after the daily closing times of the exhibition, save for exceptional cases, where the presentation of written consent from FIL is required.
(10.2) It is the responsibility of FIL, the emerging Civil liability insurance of property damage or bodily suffered by exhibitors or by accredited visitors, whose responsibility is attributable to the AIP-FCE/FIL.
(10.3) Article 6.2. of this General Regulation, concerns the Firms of assembling and decoration services.
(11.1) FIL is responsible for making available the Catalogue / Visitor’s Guide for each Exhibition.
(11.2) FIL disavows any responsibility for mistaken or late supply of information that is necessary to the Catalogue / Visitor’s Guide.
(11.3) The Catalogue/ Visitor’s Guide may be used for printed advertising, which will be subject to a specific contract, where their conditions of the editor’s responsibility will be recorded.
(12.1) The stand must remain open during operating hours of the event and must be ensured the permanent presence of a representative of the Exhibitor by the same.
(12.2) Advertising inside the fairgrounds must comply with the standards of the “Statutory Code of practice on advertising” of the International Chamber of Commerce. Advertising is not permitted (static or dynamic) out of the stands, nor on any part of the enclosure, except in areas designated for this purpose by the Organization, and in accordance with the rates stipulated.
(12.3) The following is strictly forbidden to all exhibitors, and contempt of this policy will lead to sanctions which may involve closing of the stand:
- Corporate advertising;
- Advertising that makes a direct comparison with third party articles and/or products, whether he/she is an exhibitor or not;
- Distribution of flyers and/or promotion material outside their stands, save with official written authorisation from FIL;
- All advertising which may in any way harmor bother exhibitors or visitors;
- Stenciling or objects that exceed the boundaries of the stand;
- Distribution of balloons filled with a gas that is lighter than air;
- Promotion of products other than those on display and/or in another industrial and/or business activity other than the exhibitor’s.
(12.4) The following must be subject to specific written authorisation from FIL:
- Organisation of tests or contests;
- Installation of audio equipment in the stands, which in any case must not exceed 60 Db.
(12.5) Whenever it sees fit, FIL will organise or authorise collective visits to the exposition (or other events), which will be carried out under its responsibility.
(12.6) The Exposition has an Official Photographer, whose services can be requested from FIL’s services, by means of a special contract, where its terms are recorded.
(12.7) None of the products or equipment on display can be reproduced, drawn or photographed without written authorisation from their exhibitors. Except for the Exhibition’s official photographer, the entity authorised by the exhibitor will only be able to operate when duly accredited by FIL’s competent services, with a minimum prior notice of 48 hours before the date set for the inauguration of the manifestation in question.
(12.8) FIL may have the articles on display in the stands reproduced, photographed, or filmed, and it may use their reproductions for purposes exclusively connected with its activity, namely the production of promotional material.
(12.9) Photographs or films of the stands outside opening hours require explicit written authorisation from FIL.
(12.10) Exhibitors may use the Auditoriums of FIL’s Meeting center for the duration of the exhibition, as long as the events are duly presented to and approved of by FIL, by a payment according to the Price Table.
(12.11) With regard to the protection of industrial property, shall apply the provisions of the laws in force regardless of what is included in this Regulation.
(12.12) Exhibitors commit themselves unequivocally to respect all the rules of internal regulations of the international fair of Lisbon, as expressed in the Declaration Registration Form.
(12.13) In case of disagreement as to the interpretation or implementation of the present regulation and other documents that may complement it, as well as facts concerning the participation of exhibitors in exhibitions or events organized by the Associação Industrial Portuguesa – Feiras, Congressos e Eventos/Feira Internacional de Lisboa, all parties determine the Court of the Lisbon Comarca to be competent, hereby explicitly renouncing all others.
SPECIFIC RULES for Fairs, Exhibitions and Other Events
1. The present Regulation includes the rules that regulate the organisation of Fairs, Exhibition and Other Events (Catering services, Shows, Commercial presentations, etc.), at Lisboa Congress center (CCL).
2. Those Specific Rules are completed, makes part of “General rules” for using the facilities of CCL.
3. The scope, dates, duration and opening hours of fairs, Exhibitions and Other Events are defined in a specific document written by Lisboa Congress center.
4. Presentation and distribution of the products that can harm other exhibitors or visitors, or that can deteriorate the pavement and/or existing constructions, as well as to alter conditions or environmental rules are not allowed. Products with exhibition conditioned by law are not allowed as well.
5. Products on display are not allowed to have any reference to price, save in exceptional cases, which must always have explicit written authorisation from CCL.
6. Special authorisation from CCL is required for products whose weight exceeds 2.000 Kg/m2 (if goods are to displayed on the ground floor of the pavilions), or over 200Kg/m2 (should they be intended for Pavilions in first floor).
7. Set up and decoration of stands can only begin in the 1st day of set up, after Organizer’s approval.
8. Companies involved in assembling and decoration of stands are required to have a previous credential, which implies the presentation of an insurance policy for civil and professional liability, covering damage caused in the premises or to a third party and possible damage due to stoppage of CCL’s activities, in the amount of 1.000.000,00 EUR.
9. Should there be a breach of regulation on assembly and decoration of stands and/or a breach of technical nature, CCL considers itself to be authorised to carry out necessary procedures to regularise it, which may involve closing the booth. The costs resulting from this corrective action will be charge to the exhibitor/Organizer.
10. Opening and closing times for assembly and disassembly will be set by CCL together with the Organizer. Work outside the established times requires express written authorisation from CCL, and involves the payment of an overtime fee, according to the price list.
11. set up and decoration of booths, the Organizer and their exhibitors must comply with fowling rules::
• Stands must respect a general height of 2,5m
• Stands that exceeds the 2,5m height (only possible in Pavilion 2) must be submitted to the appreciation of the CCL Technical Department at least 20 days before the date set for beginning assembly. This department must be provided with duly marked blueprints, vertical projections and sectional drawings.
• Assembly of stands that include the construction of second storey must have explicit authorisation from CCL.
• The usable area of second storey and decoration elements that measure over 2,5m in height must stand back from the perimeter of the stands at least 1,5m.
• CCL’s installations must be scrupulously respected, namely fire hydrants, extinguishers, loudspeakers, general indicators, television circuits, and fire detectors
12. The on-site building of stands in the whole exhibition area of CCL is strictly forbidden, as well as the use of cutting machines, welding machines, sanders and a spray guns. Stands must be devised and prepared so that their construction can be obtained solely by assembling the elements that constitute them.
13. Available electrical power to be used is 230/400 Volts – 50cycles and is provided according to the conditions predicted by EDP (Electricity of Portugal). In case of fault or cut by EDP, electricity will only be provided for emergency exits (exclusion of exhibition and Events circuits).
14. All electrical set up must be approved by CCL and the links to the general mains can only be made by same services. CCL will not be responsible for connecting to the mains apparatus that do not correspond to the information provide, and the exhibitors must name the person responsible for the stand’s electric installation project. Damage caused to the mains or to the specific point by these connections is the sole responsibility of the exhibitors. It is essential that exhibitor give the power needed in the booth.
15. Requests for water and drain connections, as well as electricity and telecommunications must be done by written to CCL. Requests for special lines or circuits must be processed through CCL 20 (calendar) days in advance of the date set for set up the fair. All special circuits or lines are subjects to quotation
16. Any suspension/rigging from the pavilion structure requires authorisation from CCL and can only be made by CCL exclusive supplier, subject to specific quotation. Requests must be done 20 (calendar) days prior to the date set for the opening of the exhibition, and must enclose the suspension/rigging project and the weight to be suspended, so that its feasibility can be verified by CCL’s Technical Department.
17. It is forbidden to use the walls of pavilions and columns to suspend or post exhibited pieces, decoration, construction or informative items..
18. All Cleaning services must be requested to CCL. General cleaning of the exhibition area and corridors is the responsibility of the Organizer; cleaning of the stands is exhibitors/Organizer responsibility and will be charge accordingly. Is also Organizer responsibility the cost of garbage containers..
19. Disassembly of the stands and removal of material cannot begin before the time officially set for closing the exhibition, except for special authorisation granted by the Organizer.
20. Disassembly of the stands and removal of exhibited material must be concluded within the times set by CCL and already accept by the Organizer. Failure to comply with this deadline authorises CCL to remove the material and implies that all costs resulting from the measures taken to remove these materials will be charged.
21. The premises must be handed over to CCL in the same condition as they were made available to the exhibitors/Organizer, and all costs require making them so, are from their responsibility. Repair of occasional damage caused by carelessness or requirements of stand assembly, as well as cost derived from such assembly, are the sole responsibility of exhibitors/Organizer.
22. Exhibitors/Organizer are responsible for all the damage or harm caused by their structures, equipment, articles to be exhibited, or activities in their stand, as well as action of the subcontracted firms, when these firms harm visitors and other exhibitors.
23. As regards matters concerning customs operations, product transportation and their conveyance within the premises, exhibitors must contact CCL’s official forwarding agent, RNTRANS (fairs@rntrans.pt) the sole entity that has the authority to perform this function in CCL’s premises.
24. The free circulation in CCL’s premises is only authorizing by presented an identification card given by CCL when this is agreed prior with the Organizer, or given by the Organizer itself. This card should have the name of the exhibitor, booth number and the name of the person
25. CCL ensures general surveillance services during the assembly and disassembly as well as duration of the exhibitions and other events. Exhibitors must be ensure safe keeping of their products in the times stated above, and arrange for celebration of a specific insurance contract for their participation in the exhibition, which should cover situations of robbery and a theft. Exhibitors are forbidden to allow their staff to remain in the stands after the daily closing time, save exceptional cases and subject to presentation of a specific written authorization from CCL
26. It is CCL responsibility civil liability insurance derived from material or bodily damage suffered by accredited exhibitors or by visitors;
27. Stands must be open during the exhibition’s opening hours, and the presence of a representative of the exhibitors must be ensured at all times.
28. Advertising in the exhibition’s premises must comply with rules of the “Código de Práticas Legais em Matéria de Publicidade” of the Câmara de Comércio Internacional (International Chamber of Commerce’s Code of Legal Practice in Advertising Matters).
29. The exhibitors are forbidden to do the following, and contempt of this rule will lead to sanctions which can involve closing the stand:
• Corporate advertising
• Advertising that makes a direct comparison with third party articles and/or products, exhibitors or not;
• Distribution of flyers and/or promotion material outside their stands, save with official written authorization from CCL;
• All advertising which may in any way harm or bother exhibitors or visitors;
• Distribution of balloons filled with a gas that is lighter than air;
• Promotion of products other than those on display and/or in another industrial and/or business activity other than the exhibitor’s.
30. Must have CCL approval:
• The carrying out of tests or contests
• The set up of resonant equipment in the stands, which cannot exceed 60Db.
31. CCL may have the articles on display in the stands reproduced, photographed, or filmed, and it may use their reproductions for the purposes exclusively connected with is activity, namely the production of promotional material.
32. Photographs or films of the stands outside opening hours require explicit written authorization from CCL.
33. Exhibitors are unequivocally committed to respecting all rules contained in the present Specific Rules for Fairs, Exhibitions and Other Events as well as the “General rules” for using the facilities of CCL
34. In case of disagreement as to the interpretation or implementation of the present regulation and other documents that may complement it, as well as facts concerning the participation of exhibitors in exhibitions or events organised by the AIP – Associação Industrial Portuguesa/ Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, all parties determine the Court of the Lisbon Comarca to be competent, hereby explicitly renouncing all others.
35. The present Rules make part of the “General rules” for using the facilities of CCL.
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